Start Teaching

There is a great Michigan Teachers job fair coming up in Detroit on December 4, 2019 – this is a great opportunity to get in front of decision-makers who are hiring teachers now! If you are looking for a Michigan teaching job – this is a great opportunity.

Now – you actually have to create a profile and an account to attend this job fair because they want it to be very productive. They will help you set up school district teacher interviews through their system – so that is pretty awesome.

If you want to teach in Michigan, then you need to get moving through your certification process by applying through our a Michigan Teachers program. Now.

For the job fair – here is the information from Teach 313

Job Fair IN. social post

Welcome to the application for the Teach 313 December Hiring Fair. Thank you for taking the time to consider sharing your talents with our schools, children and Detroit community. We hope that we empower you to provide information that will guide you to choosing the school partner that is the best fit for you and for our Detroit students. Please submit your registration if you are certified in Michigan or another state and are looking to teach in Detroit for the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 school years. Our school partners are excited to meet you!

The Classroom Needs You!

Apply Now! →

Begin your educator journey today.

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