A lot of reports coming out on the Alabama teacher shortage. It is has become critical and their state school superintendent, Dr. Eric Mackey, is working hard to alleviate the situation.  He recently formed an Alabama Teacher shortage task force to address the issue.

That task force first highlighted the issues –

  • 30% of classrooms are being taught be teachers who are teaching out of field
  • Since 2010 there has been a 40% decrease in students entering teacher education programs
  • 8% of teachers leave the profession each year (compared to 7% nationwide)
  • Last year on the ACT only 4% of high school juniors taking the test said they would consider a teaching career – down from 12% only four years ago
  • Only 523 secondary first time teaching certificates issued in Alabama for the 2017-2018 schoo year
  • Alabama has over 1700 secondary teachers on an emergency certificate

The Teacher Shortage task force knows they have to attract more people to become teachers and then have to keep the teachers they have.  They are looking at the usual ways to attract more teachers through scholarships, loan forgiveness, improved retirement and improved pay.

They are also looking at alternative teacher certification as a way to attract mid career professionals into the teaching profession. Obviously we are thrilled that they are looking at alternative teacher certification because it means we could help.

So if you want to teach in Alabama – let us know and we will work with the state department of education to find a way to get more teachers for Alabama schools.

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