Teaching is one of the most impactful and rewarding careers- allowing you to shape the futures of generations and society. 

The greatest reward is watching your students grow from a level of not knowing to that of understanding. Despite the academic knowledge that your students gain, they also develop interpersonal skills that ensure their social and emotional development under your care. 

Children also grow socially and emotionally under your guidance as you help them realize their full potential. 

Becoming a certified teacher usually takes between four to five years. But, if you already hold a bachelor’s degree, you could enroll in an accelerated teacher certification program, become licensed in as little as one year (some programs are longer), and start teaching as quickly as possible.  

So, yes, with a bachelor’s degree in any subject, you can enroll in a state-approved teaching program. You will be expected to pass the entry requirements, including state exams. 

This accelerated teacher’s certification program is for you if you want to make a mark in society by transitioning into teaching but need more time to undergo the traditional 4-5 year training to earn a degree in education.

In this article, we look at several ways in which you can start teaching as soon as possible and to help you fast-track your career as a teacher. 

Reasons to Become a Teacher

Do you remember a teacher who positively influenced your life and taught you virtues that you live by to this day? This is what teaching is about. 

As an educator, you are a role model for your students, inspiring future generations by helping them acquire lessons that will follow them for the rest of their lives. 

Here are seven great reasons to become a teacher

  • The growing demand for teachers: The Occupational Outlook Handbook projects about 41,400 and 64,000 openings for middle and high school teachers annually between 2023 and 2033. In addition, the global report on teachers presents the urgent need for 44 million primary and secondary teachers globally by 2030. These figures assure us of a sustained teacher demand.
  • The opportunity to profoundly influence the lives of children: Many times, you’ve heard people in the public eye attribute their success to an individual teacher who mentored them in their school days. As an educator, you impact learner’s lives beyond the classroom. Besides being an educator, you are a role model, a friend, a parent, and a confidant to your students.
  • The credential offers many teaching opportunities: Your teaching license is portable. Many states have a reciprocity agreement that allows you to teach with a credential from another state. You can move states or use your credentials to teach overseas. In addition, you can also create classes on digital platforms and teach learners from anywhere across the globe. With experience, you can also transition between different types of education, such as from teaching middle school to high school or further education.
  • Flexible work schedule: Your teaching schedule allows you more time with your family and friends. If you have children, you’ll most likely be on the same day off, which is excellent for spending time together. Also, the flexibility in how you approach your work allows for self-care and personal growth. For instance, You’ll also get nearly eight weeks off each summer and paid time off in winter and spring, which you can use to develop yourself professionally, engage in your hobbies, or learn a skill.
  • The opportunity for life-long learning: Once in the classroom, you can spend your career broadening your competencies and skills. You can also acquire additional credentials through professional development courses to make you more effective as a teacher and more attractive to potential employers. Advancing your education also grants you monetary and non-monetary incentives such as promotions, career progressions, and a salary increase for professional development credits. 
  • The satisfaction of contributing to your community: Teachers play a key role in uplifting a community’s educational status by interacting with parents and school leadership. People from different backgrounds meet and discuss issues that improve the community and society. 
  • A chance to explore your creativity: Although most schools and education levels have a curriculum to follow, you can always bring a bit of yourself to the classroom through creativity and your approach. When you creatively explore new ways of teaching, you provide your learners with an exciting and enlightening experience. You also create a receptive state of mind since learners often respond positively when you bring your personal experiences into the classroom.
  • Clear career path: Teaching presents a stable career with several pathways for growth, which can help you know what to expect from it in the future. Once in the classroom, you can advance your career in several ways, such as becoming a subject lead or taking on extra responsibilities that earn you additional payments. Having been in the classroom, your direct experience makes you a great educational advocate. Therefore, you can change direction into edtech, policy making, curriculum development, or advance to teach in institutions of higher learning. 

4 Ways to Become a Teacher in No Time

The traditional route to becoming a teacher is to acquire a bachelor’s degree in education, which takes about four to five years. 

But if you’d like to join this noble profession and don’t have the funds, the time, or the groove to get a bachelor’s degree in education, here are alternate certification programs that you can use to get your teacher certification:

1. Enroll in a One-year Master’s Program

This is ideal when you have a bachelor’s degree in another field and want to change your career to education. A one-year master’s program will help you acquire the foundational skills for education.

The program combines the study of educational pedagogy and hands-on experiences through working with students in classrooms. 

The two main master’s programs leading to teaching are a Master of Arts in Teaching and a Master of Education. 

The upside of going for the one-year master’s program is that you acquire your teaching credentials and your master’s degree simultaneously. Additionally, you’ll have a higher starting salary once you qualify to teach. 

2. Pursue a Single-subject Teaching Degree

You can pursue the single-subject teaching option if you hold a bachelor’s degree in a particular subject. 

This alternative certification program only allows you to use your existing degree to teach the subject you’re certified in. However, this will limit your scope of work to middle or high school classes. 

For instance, if you hold a degree in mathematics, you can get a single-subject teaching degree, which allows you to teach middle or high school math classes. 

If you want certification, you will also be expected to pass an exam testing your essential reading, writing, and mathematics skills and demonstrate mastery of the subject.

3. Obtain a School District Internship

You are expected to take up student teaching programs in your degree program. An internship program allows you to acquire practical classroom management skills while assisting the lead teachers as they supervise you. 

Some school districts also offer internships where you can enrol to serve in a classroom internship without holding an initial teaching certification. Here, you’re assigned an experienced teacher as a mentor to guide and support your professional development journey. 

An advantage of this fast-track option is that you receive a full-time salary and benefits. Additionally, you may not incur tuition fees for your training if you work in the district for at least two years after completing your internship. 

To qualify for licensure, you must pass all the state examinations and a background check. 

4. Teach at a Private School.

Private schools are allowed to define their minimum teaching standards. Therefore, you may not need a degree to teach in a private institution.

A bachelor’s degree in any subject may be adequate to jumpstart your teaching career in a private school.

Teaching in a private school will be a good opportunity for you to pursue certification while already earning. 

Some states, such as California, allow teachers who have been in private institutions for three or more years to acquire teaching credentials without completing the teacher training program. You can opt for single-subject or multiple-subject teaching certifications. 

Steps to Becoming a Teacher

You have to take several steps to become a teacher in the United States of America. Let’s explore them:

1. Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree.

In most states, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement for becoming a teacher. This traditional route takes four to five years of study. 

If you have a bachelor’s degree in another subject other than education, you can transition into teaching by enrolling in an alternative certification program and fast-tracking your process of becoming a teacher in your particular subject.

2. Get a Teaching Certificate. 

A teaching certificate is a credential that allows trained teachers to teach in public schools. Teacher certification programs vary in length depending on your state’s recommendations. In some states, prospective teachers are expected to undertake internship programs as part of the certification requirement. 

The certification program is a rigorous exercise that requires you to have the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree in education
  • Have completed an accredited teacher training program such as internships
  • Passed a criminal background check for the age group you intend to teach.
  • Shown enough content mastery and pedagogical knowledge through subject matter examinations such as Knowledge for Teaching Test Praxis tests, which are offered in some states to test

However, different states have different certification requirements. For instance, while many states require a basic skills test, Colorado only requires a Subject Area Competence test. 

In addition, while most states rely on the Praxis to assess the suitability of their prospective teachers, states such as Arizona, Illinois, Michigan, and Florida do not use the Praxis test. It’s good to check your state’s website to find your specific licensing requirements. 

3. Complete the Core Curriculum of the Fast-track Certification Program.

The fast-track certification program will allow you to accelerate your transition from other professions to education. The programs can take between one to two years of rigorous learning. 

You’ll be expected to learn the core pedagogical approaches to classroom instruction and management. 

Alternative teacher certification programs may offer online, evening, or weekend programs that allow you to transition to teaching while working full-time. 

You are then required to pass your state’s exams, primarily Praxis tests, that teachers who follow the traditional route take for certification. 

4. Apply for State Licensure for Teachers. 

To teach in public schools, you must apply for your teaching certificate from your state’s Department of Education. The requirements for licensure vary from state to state.

For licensing in most states, you must have passed the general certification and subject tests for the subjects you are interested in teaching.

If you are taking the fast-tracking route into teaching, you’ll be granted full certification upon completing your alternative program. The licensure allows you to teach immediately on completion under the supervision of an experienced teacher. 

Even if you are applying to teach in a private school, you could expand your employment options by obtaining certification in your respective state. However, this is not a mandatory requirement in private schools. 

5. Apply for Teaching Jobs.

It is time to start earning from all your input and efforts and make a difference in students’ lives. 

Ensure your resume is comprehensive, showing all your teaching experience and certifications. 

Here are some tips on how to make a great resume:

  • Add a career summary: This is a professional introduction in two to three sentences at the top of your resume. It highlights your most valuable skills, qualities, and experiences. Employers can scan this and quickly decide if you possess the required skills and background. To write an excellent career summary, seek to answer the question.” How can I describe my professional qualifications in a few sentences?”. 
  • Highlight your education: Include the most relevant and recent educational experiences that align with the job requirements. Provide critical details such as the degree earned, institution name, and graduation year. Remember to emphasize honours, scholarships, and exceptional academic achievements. 
  • Include all the relevant teaching information: Ensure your CV stands out by highlighting your accomplishments in previous tasks. These may include improved learner performance or innovative curriculum development and implementation. Include any specialized certifications, advanced degrees obtained, or unique teaching strategies and their outcomes. 
  • Structure your resume: Your chosen format should highlight your teaching skills and qualifications while maintaining a straightforward timeline for your work experience. A reverse-chronological CV is the best, where you list your most recent position first, and the previous positions held are listed backward in order.
  • Add all your certifications: List all your degrees in reverse chronological order. Include the degree name, major, institution, and graduation date. You may also list your majors and minors if relevant to your teaching position. Include awards highlighting your dedication, recognition, and accomplishments as a professional educator. List them in a separate section, but under education, show the name of the prize, the granting institution, and the date received.
  • Mention your achievements: For instance, you can mention the percentage of learners who received higher grades than they had previously targeted. This is an indicator of your ability to inspire and engage learners. Also, list other achievements such as curriculum development, collaboration with colleagues, and use of student performance tracking objects. Indicate any expertise in lab techniques, data analysis software, and skills in digital learning tools. 
  • Provide contact details: You can do this efficiently by creating a header with your contact information. Place the header at the top of the page and include your name, phone number, and email address so prospective employers can immediately know who you are and find a way to reach you. 

Remember to create a great cover letter that grabs the principal’s attention to increase your chances of getting hired. Here are some ways of searching for teaching jobs in your state:

Alternative Certification Programs for Teachers

The alternative certification programs help individuals transitioning to the teaching field to begin their teaching careers and get into paid teaching positions conviniently. 

They also help reduce the shortage of educators by offering opportunities for individuals with bachelor’s degrees in other areas to acquire teaching credentials. 

Here are some of the benefits of the alternative certification programs:

  • Aspiring teachers can obtain graduate degrees in less than a year, which opens up advancement opportunities beyond classroom teaching. 
  • Educators get the chance to be mentored by experienced teachers while earning. 
  • Alternative certification programs offer flexible schedules, including online, evening, and part-time courses.

Alternative Certification Requirements

Teachers seeking to be certified under that alternative certification program must satisfy some requirements that are unique to each state. 

In most states, teachers are required to:

  1. Complete a teacher preparation program approved by the state where they want to seek certification.
  2. Apply for a provisional teaching certificate to complete supervised teaching under an internship.
  3. Pass the state’s exams for prospective educators to measure your pedagogical knowledge and mastery of teaching content. The Praxis tests are the most adopted exams for certification, though some states, such as California and Texas, have unique qualifying exams. 
  4. Apply for a full teaching certificate.

Alternative Certification Program Types

Different states have unique pathways for fast-tracking certification to education. However, most require one to complete an accredited teacher preparation program. 

Here’s the most common route to alternative certification in education:

  • Accreditation through a formal alternative teacher preparation program: Enables graduates without a degree in education to join the teaching field in a shorter, more intensive way.
  • Transition to Teaching(T2T): This program assumes that a candidate already possesses knowledge in the licensing area. They offer 18 hours of coursework for secondary education, 24 hours for elementary, early childhood education, and P-12 education. To enrol, you must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification: The board develops, retains, and appreciates accomplished teachers who have completed the certification process. It is a voluntary teaching credential whose significance surpasses state licensure.
  • Career and technical education certification(CTE): This qualification allows you to teach various technical subjects, such as dental assisting, cosmetology, vehicle maintenance, and plumbing.
  • Emergency and provisional teaching certification: This certification permits a teacher to serve as a substitute teacher temporarily to address the teacher shortage. Candidates without an education degree are allowed after getting the emergency certification from the state. 
  • In-district training: An alternative teaching certification that involves teacher training within districts. A candidate may be granted a temporary or limited teaching credential during their mentorship or training program. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in the subject they wish to teach. 
  • Teaching equivalency and portfolio evaluations: Some states offer alternative routes based on teaching equivalency or portfolio evaluations. Educators with bachelor’s degrees who have taught in private or postsecondary schools where licensing is not mandatory can be certified as teachers after passing the state licensing examination.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Teacher?

Typically, it takes four years to acquire a bachelor’s degree in education and become a teacher. Additional time is spent acquiring teaching experience through internships and taking licensing examinations. 

In some states, aspiring teachers with bachelor’s degrees can begin teaching in less than a year through the alternative certification program. 

Here are the steps to becoming a teacher once you have a bachelor’s degree; 

  1. Complete a teacher preparation program that is approved by your state.
  2. Apply for a provisional teaching certificate.
  3. Pass your state’s exams.
  4. Apply for a full teaching certificate.

Alternative teacher certification programs are designed to take less time than the traditional certification pathway. However, they vary in length, typically taking 1- 2 years. Some are more flexible and allow you to move at your own pace, and you can wrap up the program in just a few months.

Here are some alternative education pathways and how long they take:

  • Master program: It’s an option if you took an undergraduate degree in a subject other than education and would love to transition into teaching. The program can be completed in just two years.
  • Single-subject teaching degree: This credentialing program takes less than two years and is more appropriate for teachers aiming to work at the middle and high school levels. It equips qualified candidates with the course work and field experiences to teach a subject of choice. 
  • School district internship: This paid teaching assignment lasts a whole year, leading to a standard teaching certificate award. 
  • Teaching at a private school: Although private schools do not demand that their teachers have a teaching certificate, it is essential to acquire one as you serve in such schools. 

Salary Expectations for Teachers 

The median salary for a Public School Teacher with a Bachelor’s Degree is $54,827 – $60,665

Acquiring additional education can earn teachers a pay rise. The NCTQ shows that teachers with a master’s degree earn approximately $5,285 more annually than those with a bachelor’s degree. 

If you have a bachelor’s degree, you can further your education by pursuing a master’s degree. 

Ready to Become a Teacher?

A teaching career allows you to significantly influence students’ lives while having an outstanding work-life balance. 

It is also a chance for you to make a meaningful contribution to the community while having high job security.

If this is your career path, check out our certification options with Teachers of Tomorrow. These options provide foundational training, ensuring that you meet all the qualifications for certification as a teacher.

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