The Clark County teacher shortage is pretty desperate.  Last year they started the year still short 700 teachers – and didn’t have them by the end of the year. That meant a lot of long term substitutes, moving people around and bigger classrooms and kids suffer.

So they got real aggressive this year recruiting from all over the state to fill 1700 teaching positions this year – and they came close.  Much closer than in past years.

Must see: How To Battle The Teacher Shortage Crisis [13 Experts Share Ideas]

But the local school board keeps messing with salaries so it may be a little bait and switch. They are promising better salaries but the school board keeps freezing salary jumps leaving people out in the cold. Also they hire a  lot of out of state teachers from California paying them a little more than they made in their previous district. So they have teachers with less experience making more than teachers who have taught longer.

That is not a good situation.  Their budget will get stressed, more freezes may come and higher teacher turnover will mean even more vacancies to fill.

The Clark County Teacher shortage will get worse – they may have some breathing room now – but it will get worse soon.


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