
We have seen this before with many of our Texas Teachers candidates who start as paraeducators or substitute teachers – because they know the school, know the students and have been around classrooms – they can make outstanding teachers.

But don’t take our word for it – ask Mandy Manning. She is the National Teacher of the Year for 2018 and she was a paraeducator who went through an alternative certification program.  She is now a National Board Certified teacher who has hosted over 160 new teachers in her classroom over the years.  She teaches English.

Whether you call it paraprofessional or paraeducator, that valuable experience in the classroom that connection to students really makes you an incredibly valuable teacher.

If you are a paraeducator and are ready to teach, our programs can help you get there so that you ready to succeed!  Let Mandy Manning be your guide – every child deserves a great teacher.

The Classroom Needs You!

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