The number of ELL students (English Language Learners) in the United States continues to climb.  According to National Center for Education Statistics, the number has risen from 3.8 million students in 2000 to over 4,8 million students in 2015.  That represents 9.5% of the student population up from 8.1% in 2000

Here are some facts about the rising ELL population according to the Pew Center

  1. California has the highest number ELL with more than 21% of the total student population.  Followed by Nevada (17%),. Texas (17%) – both states where we help place ELL teachers.  The lowest is Mississippi (2%), Vermont (2%) and West Virginia (1%).
  2. Spanish is the most common language spoken at home for ELL students
  3. Arabic is the second most common language spoken at home by ELL  students in 16 states – and 24% of ELL students speak Arabic at home in Michigan.
  4. Cities (14%) are more likely to have ELL students then rural areas (6%)
  5. Most English language learners are in elementary
  6. A majority of public school districts in the US have ELL’s in high school – 62%
  7. Most public school students with limited language proficiency are US Citizens (72%)

The problem is that we have more English Language Learners but the number of ELL teachers is not growing as fast creating a huge ELL shortage.

We need more ELL teachers to meet the growing demand in our schools.


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