There are plenty of Oklahoma Teaching jobs available which is not good this close to the start of school. The Oklahoma state board had to approve 302 emergency certifications last month compared to half that just a year ago.

“This is disheartening. We are still in a crisis where we are not able to find, in Oklahoma, the teachers for the students we have in our classrooms,” said Superintendent Joy Hofmeister.

Most blame low pay for the problem. But if you look at the Title II reports you see that there is a pretty steep decline in people going into education schools.  In the 2011-2012 school year there were 7,328 students enrolled and it had already dropped to 4,916 in 2013-2014 school year.  A 37% at a time when the number of students is expanding and the number of teacher retirements growing.

Heading to Oklahoma next week – will keep you posted on how we can help!

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