If you want to send the right message that education is truly a priority in your city then lead the charge for teacher recruitment.  That is exactly what Mayor Levar Stoney has done for Richmond.  He is attending every university teacher recruitment fair in Virginia to focus on bringing the best teachers to Richmond.

I have been in teacher recruitment and certification for the better part of 15 years and I have never heard of a city mayor making the rounds to find teachers.  It tells these teachers you understand that in order to improve the city, to improve life for the residents of that city and improve economic outcomes – you have to improve education.

I went to Richmond to meet with Mayor Stoney’s team and actually got to say hi to him as well.  He is dynamic and energetic and seemed puzzled why every major isn’t making sure their schools have great teachers.

We will be working on our Virginia application and we will be working with Richmond Virginia and Mayor Stoney to get Richmond the teachers they need.

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of education change being driven right from the very top?

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