Summers off continues to be a myth for many teachers who must work a second job to make ends meet. The Pew Research Center says that 16% of teachers are now working a second job this summer in the US. During the school year 18% of teachers are working second jobs.
How much do teachers bring in through their outside jobs? Roughly 7% of their total earnings come from second jobs – which also means if teachers got a 7% raise, maybe they wouldn’t need to work a second job.
Younger teachers and male teachers are more likely to be working a second job. 32% of those teachers with one year experience and 20% of those with 2-4 years experience are working second jobs and 26% of men versus 15% of women are working second jobs.
Many of those teachers work for Uber or are renting their homes through Airbnb.
What does this mean? Overall the percentage has not increased since they have been tracking outside employment for teachers but teachers are 3 times more likely to have a second job compared to all other professions.