Alerts Blog 02

Let us share one of our best-kept secrets with you… you’ve never heard of a teacher recession because it doesn’t exist. Teachers are recession-proof.

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The last time Americans were severely impacted by a recession was back in 2008. During this time, 2.6 million Americans lost their jobs. In the midst of COVID-19, we’re potentially facing a new recession head on – one which could be worse than that of 2008. Imagine how many more jobs will be displaced. Now is a good moment to ask, “Is my job safe?”

Money is attractive; there is no argument there. Part of the appeal of oil and tech jobs (among many others) is the serious cash they shell out. The problem with economy-dependent jobs such as these – is that the cash flow can dry up, almost overnight. When it’s good, it’s good. When it bad, it’s devastating.

Perhaps part of the allure is the risk. If you’re motivated by forever wondering, “How will I continue to pay my bills if I get laid off”, it’s understandable. However, many of us don’t feel comfortable allowing that question to play out. Fortunately, you don’t have to. Becoming a teacher is not only one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, it’s also the most secure.
If you’re in an unstable industry and fear for your job, why risk it? Learn how to become a teacher and take comfort in knowing your job is safe.

Alerts Blog 04

Time after time, teachers always climb to the top of recession-proof job lists. What makes teaching recession-proof? Teachers are responsible for educating our children. During a time of economic instability, this responsibility doesn’t suddenly evaporate. As a country, it is our collective duty to educate our youth and prepare them for the world. Teachers are the ones who assume this duty.
In a recent census, it is estimated that roughly 74 million of the U.S. are children. That’s 74 million minds to shape and 74 million children in need of teachers. Are you ready to help one in need? Become a teacher today!

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Teaching is a noble profession. The fact that it comes with job stability is an added bonus. It’s more important than ever to continue educating our youth. Teachers help mold the minds of future generations. Education generates creativity, innovation and hope – three things which are desperately needed in times of uncertainty. While the rest of the economy falters, teachers steadily trailblaze tomorrow’s path, securing a better future for our youth. No matter where America’s economy stands, teachers will always play a crucial role in supporting the development of our country.

Support our future by supporting our children and claim your recession-proof job today.

Alerts Blog 06

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