Odds are there is an open classroom near you that needs a teacher according to a study by the Learning Policy Institute – it the best time ever to start your teaching career!

  • During the 2015-16 school year, there was a national shortage of about 60,000 teachers
  • Across the country, half of all schools, and 90 percent of high-poverty schools, have experienced a teacher shortage
  • If current trends persist, the group estimates that annual shortfall could grow to 112,000 teachers by 2018
  • The need for more educators continuing to grow well into the 2020s.

The shortages are being driven by both an increase in demand and a decrease in supply – teacher attrition rates are high and teacher-preparation program enrollments have fallen 35 percent nationwide in the last five years. Career changers are the perfect answer to this problem and our programs are the most efficient and effective way for career changers to get into the classroom.

Please click below to find your classroom!

If you want to teach in the high needs areas like special education, bi-lingual, science and math or hard to staff schools – you will be in high demand. There is no better time to get into teaching with the one program that truly helps you get there.

The Classroom Needs You!

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