Teachers of Tomorrow announced in May 2017 that South Carolina Governor McMaster signed two laws that specifically approve Teachers of Tomorrow as a route to full teacher certification. S. 601 and S. 602 create new rules already approved by the State Board of Education that specifically allow Teachers of Tomorrow to launch its successful teacher training and certification program in South Carolina. The rules allow them to immediately begin recruiting new teachers to address the teacher shortage.

In a 2017 report, South Carolina’s Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement (CERRA) stated that over 4,800 teachers left the profession in the state. At the same time, just 1,898 teachers graduated with education degrees – 22% less graduates than just three years ago.

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“South Carolina has been severely affected by teacher shortages for a long time and we are excited to be able to help school districts quickly address those shortages,” said Vernon Reaser, CEO of Teachers of Tomorrow. “We are honored to be one of only three programs to be named in a rule to help South Carolina schools find and train the teachers they need. And we do it at zero cost to the school and districts.”

Teachers of Tomorrow worked closely with the South Carolina Department of Education on the two rules that took effect this session to improve certification rules in the state to help address the teacher shortage.

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In order to quickly start addressing the shortage, Teachers of Tomorrow has waived the $295 initial program fee so that potential teachers can get started at no cost. They have launched a new website, SouthCarolinaTeachers.org, today to serve potential career changers who want to teach in South Carolina, and their team of Program Advisors have been trained to help teacher candidates through the process of becoming a teacher, from start to finish.

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Teachers of Tomorrow is the largest, fastest growing Teacher Certification Program in the nation, delivering online and in-person training to individuals pursuing a career in teaching. Teachers of Tomorrow is also the #2 most diverse certification program in the country with 46% non-white enrollment; and 68% of their teachers remain in the profession after five years, versus the national average of only 50%. Over the last 11 years, Texas Teachers has certified more than 42,000 new teachers, and in 2016 the company trained and certified an estimated 7,000 teachers. Teachers of Tomorrow is an approved teacher certification provider in Texas, Florida, Nevada and South Carolina.

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