Enroll Today
Once you’ve built a solid foundation after completing your testing and training, it’s time to strengthen the skills you’ve acquired by putting them into practice in the classroom! During your first three years teaching on your Interim Teaching Certificate, you’ll earn full pay and benefits while also receiving guidance from your Michigan Teachers Field Supervisor – a trusted and experienced mentor who will offer advice, support, and encouragement.
We Work With Districts Across the ENTIRE State
Learn what documentation you'll need to obtain your Interim Teaching Certificate and start teaching.
Our Team Is Committed to Helping You Land Your Dream Job
As required by the Michigan Department of Education, you must submit fingerprints to undergo a national criminal history background check to obtain your Interim Teaching Certificate. Once you complete the Federal Background Check Authorization Form, email it to teach@michiganTeachers.org and Michigan Teachers will complete a federal background check.
You must apply for your Interim Teaching Certificate through the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). You will need your background check to submit your application. Once your background check is approved, you will receive an email from Michigan Teachers to pay for your Interin Teaching Certificate.
Once you have accepted employment, please let us know by submitting the “I Got a Job” form, located in your Intern Portal!
Learn what tasks you'll carry out to successfully complete your Internship Year.
We’ll Continue to Support You, Every Step of the Way
Discover the curriculum that will help you lay the groundwork needed to become a successful teacher. From digital classroom tools to student engagement and everything in between, you’ll soon be ready to step foot inside the classroom.
Excellence in Teaching and Learning Coursework: While teaching in the classroom, you must complete both additional online coursework and your Excellence in Teaching and Learning coursework, which includes projects to address specific learning objectives.
Our innovative coursework integrates research-based pedagogy with high-engagement learning designed to set you up for success in today’s evolving classrooms. Our learning modules are cognizant of the multiple learning styles and offer various interactive tools and resources, all available in your online dashboard.
Recieve Field Supervisor and Principal Recommendation: After you complete your Internship Year as the teacher of record, your Field Supervisor and/or Principal will submit a recommendation for your approval to earn your Standard Certificate.
Fulfill Time-Taught Requirement: After you have successfully completed your Internship Year, have finished program requirements, and received a recommendation, you must teach for an additional two years (150 days teaching per year) on your Interim Teaching Certificate.