Corporate Responsibility



Texas Teachers is fully accredited and licensed by its regulating state agency and authorized to certify in all certification areas throughout Texas.

We are recognized by TEA as “A+ Texas Teachers” under Region 4, and accredited to certify teachers in all 20 educational regions of Texas.

Our teacher training curriculum is aligned with state educator standards and is approved by the state.


Affiliates’ logos are owned by their responsible parties.



Unconditional, full compliance with state and federal requirements guides all our actions as a company and is fundamental to the way we operate. We employ legal, educational and other specialized consulting firms that provide us with constant review and guidance on all program activities.

Stakeholders of Texas Teachers

Maintaining the confidence of our stakeholders is imperative to our program. We constantly review our role in providing value to new teachers, school districts and charters, and ultimately, the students. Texas Teachers also looks to its Advisory Board for perspective and guidance on our business vision and direction. The group is made up of Texas citizens of various backgrounds and provides an additional layer of review and support to aid our management.

Values and Ethics

As a tenet of our company’s culture, Texas Teachers focuses on integrity, personal excellence, innovation, and service. We continually challenge ourselves to lead our industry by example through our own performance and through our dedication to hard work, accountability and ethical responsibility to our customers, partners, and other stakeholders.

At Texas Teachers, we are committed to helping our customers achieve a successful and fulfilling teaching career. We will provide continuous individualized service, support and valuable guidance to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed. We will partner with our customers, make ourselves accountable, and respect their personal choices throughout the certification process.

Ethics & Academic Integrity


Providing Opportunities for New Educators

Texas is a dynamic state with a growing population, and its education system must strive to adapt with it. As a leader in the education industry, Texas Teachers embraces its role in ensuring that individuals wanting to teach will continue to have every opportunity to begin their careers free of unnecessary barriers, costs and timelines.

Innovation in the Industry

We constantly challenge ourselves to improve the quality and efficiency of our program to ensure we continue to offer the most effective route to the classroom. We understand that we must work hard every day to maintain our place in the industry and continue to meet the changing needs of our customers and stakeholders.

Going Green

Texas Teachers is committed to lessening our impact on the environment wherever possible. Through recycling and implementing new, innovative paperless systems, we are working to further reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources.

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