{"id":29567,"date":"2021-12-01T23:39:03","date_gmt":"2021-12-02T05:39:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.teachersoftomorrow.org\/?p=29567"},"modified":"2024-12-20T11:03:37","modified_gmt":"2024-12-20T17:03:37","slug":"29567","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.teachersoftomorrow.org\/blog\/insights\/29567\/","title":{"rendered":"ENERGIZE: When the Why is Not Enough"},"content":{"rendered":"
TEACHER RETENTION \u2013 WHEN THE \u201cWHY\u201d IS NOT ENOUGH <\/strong><\/p>\n The deepening teacher shortage pushes most districts into a reactive mode \u2013 scurrying to recruit replacements for high-need areas. This is urgent work, but \u2013 like most reactive tasks \u2013 only part of the picture. The other portion is retention, and it is just as important to the health of our schools as recruitment.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Schools with higher retention rates have fewer reported shortages. While this sounds like stating the obvious, taking a deeper dive reveals how much of a boost a higher retention rate really provides.\u00a0\u00a0A stable teaching staff generally translates to a happy teaching staff. Teachers who enjoy what they are doing share their good fortune with friends in other districts. These friends are more likely to apply when a position opens. The openings are filled more quickly and with higher-quality candidates. It is a cycle that impacts schools with lower retention rates as well but in a negative way. Fortunately, it is a cycle that can be broken.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Teachers don\u2019t go through intensive training and preparation to\u00a0become a teacher just to\u00a0quit\u00a0a few years into it. They\u00a0all have a \u201cwhy\u201d that \u2013 despite the\u00a0often-negative\u00a0press about the vocation – called them to teach.\u00a0Reports of factors\u00a0influencing the\u00a0emotionally laden\u00a0decision to leave teaching\u00a0vary according to experience level. Younger\u00a0and more\u00a0inexperienced teachers\u00a0leave because\u00a0they\u00a0don\u2019t feel fully prepared or supported.\u00a0They often feel isolated and\u00a0left to fend for themselves. More\u00a0veteran\u00a0teachers leave because they feel their career path is flat, crave more autonomy,\u00a0or\u00a0disagree with the decisions of administrators.\u00a0Regardless of the\u00a0nature of the specific\u00a0reason, most\u00a0issues\u00a0can be addressed and ameliorated.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n IDENTIFY THE NEEDS OF YOUR TEACHERS\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n The key to retention is identifying the needs of the people in your employ\u00a0and working to\u00a0fulfill\u00a0those needs.\u00a0Every teacher should\u00a0be invited to\u00a0sit down with\u00a0his or her\u00a0campus administrator and discuss\u00a0the\u00a0supports\u00a0they need to do their job well,\u00a0along with where they see themselves in 3 \u2013 5 years.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Crafting a\u00a0career\u00a0path\u00a0renders goals more tangible and easily tracked.\u00a0\u00a0Sharing\u00a0it\u00a0with those who can assist in\u00a0helping\u00a0move\u00a0along\u00a0the path\u00a0tells employees you\u00a0are invested in them as professionals.\u00a0 People stay in environments where they feel valued and\u00a0supported.\u00a0\u00a0Department chairs, team leaders,\u00a0special project chairs \u2013 all are viable\u00a0roles\u00a0to give\u00a0those teachers wanting to grow as leaders\u00a0the opportunity to do so.\u00a0Districts should also strongly consider sponsoring or helping with the costs of additional certifications for existing staff.\u00a0An internal program\u00a0that grows your own\u00a0keeps people\u00a0in the district\u00a0–\u00a0often in high need areas. Investing in your people is never a bad idea.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n First-year teachers may not yet know where they see themselves\u00a0next week,\u00a0never mind\u00a0three years from now. They need support in becoming proficient teachers, support that doesn\u2019t feel like documented corrective action.\u00a0Does\u00a0your mentoring\u00a0program legitimately support new teachers?\u00a0A quick but thoughtfully worded survey can elicit\u00a0actionable\u00a0feedback and\u00a0allow you to make mid-course corrections\u00a0in the program\u00a0so that\u00a0these budding educators feel their contributions are\u00a0heard\u00a0and their mentor cares about their\u00a0progress.\u00a0\u00a0The match\u00a0of the mentor to the mentee\u00a0is a huge variable in the\u00a0success of the program.\u00a0Mentors\u00a0benefit from targeted\u00a0training\u00a0that\u00a0helps\u00a0them understand their role and strategies to best serve their mentees.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n FEEDBACK AND PRAISE<\/strong>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n All people\u00a0need positive feedback and constructive criticism.\u00a0Be sure that your evaluation system has a\u00a0built-in\u00a0feedback loop. No one should\u00a0only\u00a0see their supervisor\u00a0on formal observation days.\u00a0Faculty and staff\u00a0also appreciate\u00a0public recognition of accomplishments.\u00a0When I worked as a\u00a0principal,\u00a0I\u00a0gave\u00a0\u201ckudos\u201d\u00a0in our weekly\u00a0campus\u00a0update,\u00a0so that others would know\u00a0the outstanding things\u00a0happening\u00a0at our school\u00a0as well as\u00a0get a clear picture of the\u00a0type of behaviors warranting\u00a0kudos.\u00a0I kept a checklist and made sure to\u00a0include\u00a0everyone\u00a0at some point during the year. The rockstars of the school \u2013 from the maintenance man to the\u00a0new history teacher to the Upper School\u00a0Dean –\u00a0made the kudos list multiple times.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n The power in the list lay in both its consistency (a new one came out every week without fail) and its descriptiveness. I briefly explained the kudo-worthy action so that others could emulate it. Kudo-earning behavior always aligned with our campus mission and goals so there was never a doubt about where we were headed or what it took to get there. It rewarded everyday excellence as well as the extra mile. Staff members could nominate their colleagues, and I happily published any such submissions, giving credit for the nomination. People often skipped past the informative portion of the bulletin to go straight to the kudos.\u00a0\u00a0<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n PERKS<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Education is not a field known for its perks. That doesn\u2019t mean we should just ignore the power of a few low-cost (or no-cost) incentives like the ones below. As you read these, think of what else your school or district could do to help teachers feel valued and incentivized to stay.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Other options that bring a heftier price tag extend to reliable, in-district\u00a0childcare\u00a0and even \u2013 in a few districts\u00a0\u2013\u00a0help with housing.\u00a0\u00a0Teachers are priced out of the housing\u00a0market\u00a0In\u00a0a number of\u00a0urban areas across the country.\u00a0\u00a0Savvy districts have even started building housing for teachers new to the profession,\u00a0granting a few years\u00a0to save\u00a0for a\u00a0down payment on a house of their own.\u00a0\u00a0<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n RECONNECT WITH YOUR WHY\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n Teachers\u00a0enter\u00a0the profession because they love learning and\u00a0want to positively impact\u00a0children.\u00a0We\u00a0must\u00a0do a better job of keeping them connected to this\u00a0purpose by removing the extraneous responsibilities\u00a0that are heaped upon them, giving them a fair portion of autonomy in doing their jobs,\u00a0helping them grow\u00a0in the profession, and\u00a0celebrating their accomplishments.\u00a0\u00a0<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n I like to think that we learned a few things during the pandemic \u2013 the thin silver linings\u00a0or \u201cCovid Keepers,\u201d as I call them.\u00a0One\u00a0is that we know there is\u00a0great\u00a0power in feeling that you are not alone.\u00a0\u00a0Giving teachers a voice in governance and working alongside them to drive improvements both creates\u00a0buy-in and a sense of efficacy.\u00a0Working\u00a0as a team\u00a0in the pursuit of a better society, better system,\u00a0and\u00a0better future for our kids brings a sense of camaraderie\u00a0and\u00a0pride in community.\u00a0It reconnects them with their \u201cwhy,\u201d and\u00a0that is a powerful motivator for\u00a0retention.\u00a0\u00a0<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n About the Author: Laura Henry<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The former Executive Director of Chinquapin Preparatory School – a college prep boarding school for low-income students who are able and motivated – Dr. Laura Henry has worked in both public and private education for 30 years as a school leader, college professor, and alternative certification coach and trainer.\u00a0 Laura also serves as the Chair of the North American Boarding Forum for the Boarding Schools\u2019 Association (BSA), and mentors underserved youth.\u00a0 Laura\u2019s doctoral and master\u2019s degrees are both from the University of Houston\u2019s education department and her B.A. in History was earned at Rice University.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n\n